myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: dos emulator
Just get linux rar.
Enable APT
Open an xterminal
sudo su
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
change "stable" to "testing" in the line that doesn't begin with a "#"
save the file
apt-get update
apt-get install rar
<Y>es, I want to install it.
and you are ready to go.
I'm not connected the internet on the dsl/dos box. I would rather have the dosemu, so I can play dos games like simcity 2000 or whatever.
Did you manage to work with dosemu? (i want to use i too)
Got as far as to apt-get it and run it, but then it want freedos or something....
i think dosemu in not a dos emulator.
it is a pc emaulator that enables you to run dos.
so you need some sort of dos.
the easiest way to get it gooing is.
download and extract the dosemu-1.2.2-bin.tgz AND dosemu-freedos-b9r5-bin.tgz from DOSEMU Stable Code
I will try that.
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