myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: where can i get the dsl package

i want to install gcc,where can i get the gcc dsl package and how can i install it.


Please check out neighboring pages for more extensions and more documentation.

And...uh....Welcome to the Revolution!

I have DSL 0.4.9 as HD-install and dont have this cute mydsl-gui.

however i switched to superuser and ...

1. renamed it "gcc1.dsl" to "gcc1.tar.gz"
2. moved the package to root dir ("/")
3. did a "tar -zxvf gcc1.tar.gz"
4. finally a "gcc --version" was successfully, so everything seems to ok.


Quote (Guest @ Jan. 15 2005,17:01)
I have DSL 0.4.9 as HD-install and dont have this cute mydsl-gui.

I mean no offense, but ....damn....0.4.9....
You really should consider upgrading.  The most recent versions may not work on all hardware from CD only but there are floppy boot images which will accomodate older hardware.

original here.