myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Advanced Games

What version of DSL are you using?
Are you using it with XFree86? (always read the info file)

Cube was test here on DSL 0.9.1 with XFree86.dsl, with+without nvidia.dsl.  
The only additional libs needed were libpng, libSDL_mixer, and libSDL_image, which were included in the extension and set in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH using the dsl-cube wrapper.  The game must be run using this wrapper or it won't work, and it must be run with OpenGL installed.

edit() {
I type too slow....

Are the system requirements to run this game in dsl the same as windows?
Yeah, pretty much.  CPU isn't a huge priority, nor is RAM, but it's essentially unplayable without hardware acceleration and at least a TNT card.

original here.