myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Screen extension

I wonder if that is a leftover from the symlink to /KNOPPIX/dev..

I mean, it HAD no choice but to be read only at one time..
When it was a liveCD, there was only a symlink from /dev/tty1
to /KNOPPIX/dev/tty1, which HAD TO BE read only on the cd.

I know that when using the serial port, /dev/ttyS0, with one of my
ham radio devices ( a TNC ) , I had to change permissions on the device,
after making that portion of the filesystem writable thru mkwritable.
( installing a .dsl extension, like dsl-dpkg.dsl, easily does it. )

Installing to Hard Drive may not, by default, be changing the
device to be writable to ANY users .. your SuSE wouldn't have that issue,
having never been in a read-only format during its operational lifetime.

And there have been many posts of late where the serial devices are not
communicating either..

It appears that DSL uses tty0 for its main terminal, not tty1
This is some output of ls -al tty* > /home/dsl/tty.txt

crw-rw-rw-    1 root     root       5,   0 Jan  7 23:00 tty
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            7 May 17  2004 tty0 -> console
crw-------    1 root     root       4,   1 Jan  7 22:17 tty1
crw-------    1 root     root       4,  10 Sep 11  1998 tty10
crw-------    1 root     root       4,  11 Sep 11  1998 tty11
crw-------    1 root     root       4,  12 Sep 11  1998 tty12

Does this change when installed to HD?
What is your output ?


but....I don't have a harddrive install.  I'm trying to build this to be completely useable in a liveCD without mkwriteable.

One thing I noticed yesterday that never even began to think about the possibility of considering coming to my attention before is that there are more writeable directories in a DSL livecd than I had thought.  /etc is writeable to a apparently can't overwrite the symlinks without first deleting them, but you can add files.  In /dev many of the devices can be edited, which is why I was able to change permissions on /dev/tty1.  All this time I thought /opt, /var(/tmp?) and /home were the only writeable directories without running /etc/init.d/mkwriteable.  So /var and /etc aren't symlinks, but actual directories in ramspace.  It's kinda confusing since the others are located in /ramdisk....makes my brain hurt.

Another odd thing is /dev/tty2 (and one or two others...can't remember which ones) is owned by dsl.staff.  I understand tty2 is where X is run in debian systems, and in suse it's tty7 (owned by mik.users.../dev/tty1 is owned by mik.tty).  /dev/tty8 is owned by another regular user, which i tend to use occasionally in a sub-shell.  What I don't understand is WHY and HOW the ownership is it done when the user logs in, or is it maybe something that should not have happened?  When I log in as root with root environment, it still shows the same ownerships, so maybe it's a first-come-first-served ownership thing....i dunno....some things about Linux make my head spin.

It appears that DSL uses tty0 for its main terminal, not tty1

When I exit X and type 'tty' it shows /dev/tty1

STILL no luck getting it to run as user dsl without manually changing ownership of tty1.  I think this is either DSL being stubborn or the setuid bit not working.  

I zipped it up anyway...seems like there's nothing more I can do.  It can be run in an X terminal without problem.  Running from console requires either 1) running it as root, or 2) executing 'sudo chown dsl.staff /dev/tty1' before running it as dsl. Chmod'ing is probably a bad idea since it opens the session to reading from anyone.

Another thing is the utf8 encodings....I don't know how necessary they are.  Screen works without them in a vanilla DSL, but I wonder about custom systems.  I'm leaning toward leaving them out...the compressed archive is 153k without them, opposed to 390k.

Be carefull with adding stuff to the other writable areas of a DSL livecd bootup.

If the directory is not symlinked into /ramdisk, then it is part of the root "/" filesystem and there is a very limited amount of free space in this filesystem.

For example, type:


and see what the available space is.

not sure what you mean by "adding stuff".  I don't think chown adds anything to the file size.
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