myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: UK keyboard

Am not a programmer. Am new to Linux . Am also slowly drowning....

Can anyone tell me how to change keyboard from USA to UK?

Also.. have downloaded a file with DSL extension. How do I install this?

Also.. I seem to have lost the background from the desktop. The menu option re the background also appears to have disappeared. Running fbsetbg gives file not found error.

Any help would be appreciated.

Are there any detailed instructions for DSL or is it sufficiently Fluxbox compliant to follow their FAQ?


Can anyone tell me how to change keyboard from USA to UK?

Open up control panel and select keyboard.

Also.. have downloaded a file with DSL extension. How do I install this?

select the file in the emelfm file manager, and press the 'MyDSL' button, or
open a terminal and type 'mydsl-load /path/to/filename.dsl'

I seem to have lost the background from the desktop. The menu option re the background also appears to have disappeared. Running fbsetbg gives file not found error.

fbsetbg doesn't exist in DSL...try bsetbg or xsri instead.  There is also not a background menu item, as this feature is not available in fluxbox stable.

Are there any detailed instructions for DSL or is it sufficiently Fluxbox compliant to follow their FAQ?

Check out the documentation which comes up when you first load DSL, and search these forums.
Fluxbox is merely a window manager, and has very little to do with how DSL itself works.

Yeah...thanks for the help.

Turns out my distro is an old one and is pre-myDSL.

Other problems have now been resolved.

Your assistance has been much appreciated.


Also there is a lot of info over in the Documentation area.

we really need to get a link on the front page...


Which file(s) do I need to add to filetool.lst, to ensure I always get a UK keyboard in DSL from my USB pen drive (having used the Control Panel option)?


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