myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Tar conversion

Can anyone tell me how to convert a .tar file downloaded from other page into a myDSL ext.?I've downloaded an internet comunicator but it won't load in DSL(live CD version).Please help.
PowR_TocH, that depends on what the tar file you have contains.  Is it source code that needs to be compiled, or an executable with libraries?  If you downloaded it as a tar fille, try putting it into your home directory, the in a bash shell type

tar-xvf yourfilename.tar
tar-zxvf yourfilename.tar.gz

depending on the extension.  Look at the directory it creates, then cd to that directory.  Now see if there is a README file and read it to see what you need to do.

The file he was try to compile was GNU Gadu.  I tried to compile it but I was unable to.  I had to load the gcc1.dsl and apt-get the following packages:


I got an error during the configuration about gtkspell that was beyond me.

Quote (clacker @ Dec. 31 2004,08:31)
PowR_TocH, that depends on what the tar file you have contains.  Is it source code that needs to be compiled, or an executable with libraries?  If you downloaded it as a tar fille, try putting it into your home directory, the in a bash shell type

tar-xvf yourfilename.tar
tar-zxvf yourfilename.tar.gz

depending on the extension.  Look at the directory it creates, then cd to that directory.  Now see if there is a README file and read it to see what you need to do.

How does this help us? I too want to change these to make them into DSL extensions. There are some programs which are small and useful. One is fluxconf a program to change the keybindings and menus in Fluxbox. Then there is a program called wmsetbg which is useful to set a background to fluxbox.

There does not seem to be a way to do this in DSL.

Am I wrong?



First, before trying to install your internet communicator tar file, please install one of the *.dsl extensions.  It doesn't matter the name of the extension as long at it ends with *.dsl

For example, the ace of penguins dsl extension is small.  Download it and install it.

This will create a writeable file system in your RAMDISK.

Then go ahead and try to install your internet communicator and see if it works.

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