myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: mplayer fullscreen

I've not had any issues at all taking the codecpak.dsl,
installing it, and then running mplayer for all kinds of files.


I stuck the codecs in /opt/mplayer/codecs but I still could not get mplayer to play the wma.  The file was probably accidently converted with the M$ DRM bit on....   Guess I'm stuck for now.

Thanks for the feedback.

Keep in mind that it is impossible to always keep up with changes to file formats, particularly closed-source formats.  With every new version, there could be changes which break older decoders.  WMA and WMV are prime examples of this.
This may be obvious to you already,
but Xine is able to look for for codecs
wherever you tell it in the big gray
setup GUI..../usr/lib/win32 in the case
of the codec.dsl or just type path to
DLLs right in the GUI.
I use a codec pack from an old .deb package
converted into a DSL, and have just compared
it to the codec pack in the repository, they
are vastly different.
I shall splice the DNA of the two for a hideous,
deformed, homicidal codec pack!!

xmms works nicely with MPEGs full screen. It is for those files that xmms cannot play that we need MPlayer.

Nice to have it full screen.
Thanks Milshaw

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