myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: nvidia and fluxbox-0.9.11

I don't know exactly what causes the problem, but running fluxbox 0.9.11 with the nvidia extension does not work without a modification of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  I tested with both the fluxbox extension and with a full install of fluxbox, and it crashed with both.  Here's a quick fix:
Add this line to ~/.xinitrc

/usr/X11R6/lib is included in nvidia's ld config file, so it seems like the libs in that directory should be read.  However, /usr/X11R6/lib is actually linked to /KNOPPIX/usr/X11R6/lib, so I guess it's possible that links don't work as expected with nvidia...maybe it needs the actual path in order to find the libs.

Hmm, it worked, but with that setting I can no longer get UT2004 to run?  When I rem that line and switch back to the standard fluxbox, UT works again :(
I don't have a clue at the moment, but it's definitely something I'll research very soon.
Thanks for pointing that out.

original here.