myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: DSL architectures

If you want DSL on something like sparc or ppc, you will have to grab the source for everything (or you can start with Debian for <insert arch here>) and build it yourself.

That's what I meant from the beginning.
But I want to do it as near to the DSL creation process as posible. So afterwards anyone could do it by themselves.

If you actually get something like this working (and <50mb) tell us!

Of course if I take something useful I will!

So if I were to grab the list of programs included in DSL and get the source for them, how hard would it be for someone only vaguely familar with linux internals to recompile everthing for 486/586 whatever specific machine and needed drivers I'm using.
Has this been done already for different speed machines?

Everything /should/ be compiled for use on a 486DX or faster.

Many apps in DSL require a FPC, so I don't think i368 will work, but you could try. :P

original here.