myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: wvdial setup

I installed the  extension and expected an icon for setup.  How is wvdial setup?  Thanks.  (.8)
Well, Raysr, the usual thing would be to have
your wvdial.conf set up in /etc.Or /opt.
Can't remember.
But to the best of my knowlege, at this point
in time, it would seem not to work.
By itself, at least.
Probably best to just open menu, go
System, Net Setup, dial-up PPP, which will give you
the PPP Dial gui, hit config and tell it what it wants
to know.
Then backup to usb or a hd partition.

I just tried wvdial on 0.9.1, connected, but can't
resolve names.
If anyone has it working, I'd love to know how
it's done these days.....


Thanks for the reply.  I have ppp set up to dial "pon", I just thought "wvdail" was something  better.

original here.