myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: amsn.tar.gz doesn't run....
I haven't been keeping up on this
Sorry everyone, I got some time (school break) and was going to update the DSL package. Now i find that the tcltk8.3 package is missing. Uh oh. I may have to find an old dsl and then incorperate into the package. More to do. Bummer. I will work on it and get a new DSL to ke4nt1 soon. PM if you want the old package. 
The tcltk8.3.dsl is in the "system" area of the repository..
It is best to have these separate, as we can upgrade the
tcltk8.3.dsl independently , likewise with amsn.tar.gz.
(I think there are new versions for both packages available now.)
Just a note to keep things simple to manage.
Many other programs use the tcltk package..
If a user were to load 2 or more of them on their system,
the possibility exists to have 2 versions in two locations.
This could cause issues..
Best to install the one central package.. when required..
Thats Fine. I forgot to look in the system area but found it. I have the new versions updated. Who do i send them to? I have an non incorperated version for you then and will get it to you asap. Thanks.
email them to :
extensions [at] damnsmalllinux [dot] org
Remember to include your updated .info file ( few changes, I'm assuming )
and your md5.txt for your new extension.
original here.