myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: amsn.tar.gz doesn't run....

I haven't been keeping up on this :(
Sorry everyone, I got some time (school break) and was going to update the DSL package. Now i find that the tcltk8.3 package is missing. Uh oh. I may have to find an old dsl and then incorperate into the package. More to do. Bummer. I will work on it and get a new DSL to ke4nt1 soon. PM if you want the old package. :cool:

The tcltk8.3.dsl is in the "system" area of the repository..

It is best to have these separate, as we can upgrade the
tcltk8.3.dsl independently , likewise with amsn.tar.gz.

(I think there are new versions for both packages available now.)

Just a note to keep things simple to manage.

Many other programs use the tcltk package..
If a user were to load 2 or more of them on their system,
the possibility exists to have 2 versions in two locations.
This could cause issues..  

Best to install the one central package.. when required..


Thats Fine. I forgot to look in the system area but found it. I have the new versions updated. Who do i send them to? I have an non incorperated version for you then and will get it to you asap. Thanks.
email them to :
extensions [at] damnsmalllinux [dot] org

Remember to include your updated .info file ( few changes, I'm assuming )
and your md5.txt for your new extension.


original here.