myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Extensions
These extensions have been received by me in December..
This is just a memo to let folks know I received them..
Pre-release testing , and working on fixes for existing extensions,
combined with the holidays have left me with little time for play..
Was hoping to get these done by last weekend... oh well..
If your contribution is not listed, or missing from testing,
post a note to me here, or send PM or email..
The list to date, in order from most recent ..
xdesktopwaves 1.3
beaver 0.2.5
sox 12.17.6
fluxbox 0.9.11 ( done, in testing , I think I got the right one
Opera 7.54 ( in progress - need to export from /home/dsl )
RoGuE Theme
Hellenic ( Greek fonts - need info and md5 )
Icewm (3) ( done )
Imagemagick ( done )
GnuPG ( done )
TinyFugue ( done )
This is all great stuff really!
I tried the Mplayer extension in DSL 0.9.1 in the optional directory and it worked! However i cannot play video full screen - while the window becomes full screen the video clip does not. Any clues?
I added the rox filer to the root folder and it works nicely too!
How do I get the shokwave player, real player for Linux to work? plugin for Firefox.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Happy Christmas to all the Santas on this list!
Open up the menu.
Go Apps>>Net>>Get Flash Plugin.
That should grab the flashplayer plugin you need.
Oh, and...
Welcome to the Revolution!!!
original here.