myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: XFree86.dsl
i have made a XFree86.dsl. it is very easy, but you need some experience in dsl making.
1. download to /home/dsl ( it is the debian-testing XFre86)
2. mkdir tmp
3. dpkg --extract xserver*.deb tmp/
5. delete cd tmp/usr/share ( no need to keep the docs :-) )
6. set the SUID bit on usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86
7. create a XFree86.dsl from usr ( how to create a good dsl can be found elseware in the forums)
so far the creation of the executable and libraries.
9. create a /etc/X11X/F86Config file ( this is the hard part, but examples are all over the internet, i will put some on my website)
10. load the XFree86.dsl
11. change /home/dsl/.xserverrc to: exec /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 -nolisten tcp
12. exit the windowmanager
14. now you are back at the bash prompt. type: exit
15. now you should be running your windowmanager in XFree86
this does NOT remove the DSL KDrive ( the small XServer)
if the XFree86 wont start, you can type: to get the DSL-X back.
then try to correct the error in XF86Config
i use this XFree86.dsl on:
Dell Latitude C640 (ATI Radeon Mobility 7500)
Dell GX260 ( onboard video i810)
ASUS P4P800-VM ( onboard video i810)
the display is much faster and it allows to adjust the monitor refresh rate.
cooooooooooooooool, xfree86 is going to be very useful to people who do not like kdrive 
Sounds like a good candidate for addition to the official repository.
Any idea if the nvidia drivers can be added / created as a seperate .dsl, from a live CD? (I don't have a HDD install running at the moment)
ie. use XFree86.dsl and a tar.gz containing one version of
for a "stock standard" 2D svga (or two tar.gz's, one for 800x600, one for 1024x768, etc)
use XFree86.dsl AND nvidia.dsl plus an nvidia800.tar.gz, nvidia1024.tar.gz, etc., for machines with nvidia 3d?
I assume(!) there's a similar system for radeon stuff?
PS. Roughly how big is the XFree86.dsl package?
Hmm, I've tried searching the forum, but can't find how to make a dsl in a way that the destination directory is different from the origin one - ie., we are packaging the contents of /home/dsl/tmp so when they are extracted they end up at /
Any quick tips on how to make the file list to achieve this?
PS. to those, like myself, who are unsure how to "set the SUID bit on usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86":
The "Set User ID" or SUID bit can be set as follows : chmod u+s <filename>
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