myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: qemu for dsl.

must disable swap on windows.
oh, and as for installing, apt-get install wine, create a loopfs (search the forums), set up wine to emulate the loopfs as c, run the windows installer under wine, next time you need windows, just mount the loopfs, run windows with qemu and you are away. (remember to disable windows's use of swap or expect a screwed usb key)

sorry, i can be confusing, what in particular is confusing you?
everything?? i don't understand y u was/are talking a/b wine and swap and stuff. this is what i personal want to do, i would like to take dsl and strip it down to nothing more then a terminal at boot, and then be able to run qemu from that. i just don't know where to began.

p.s. i don't think that just unix based systems should be live i want to be able to run any os at boot. i would like to do it this way b/c wants u make a harddrive image u should not have to mess around with drivers and crap, b/c u don`t have to do it with knoppix. make it eazy for anyone to make there own personal live os.

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