myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: qemu for dsl.
i just wanted to know if any one has installed qemu on dsl and then run a diff os throw that. b/c i can install windows 95 and it less then 25mb and it would be kind of cool if i can run windows, b/c no matter how u look at it u can never get completely away from windows. and has any one made an .dsl for qemu.
hmmmm, the dsl embedded includes qemu, not usre how to make it boot 95 though :S
no, what i want to do is boot dsl on my pc or anypc and then run qemu that is running windows 95. b/c i only need to install the drives one time to windows 95 b/c it the same emulator, and dsl will take care of the rest. dose that make senes and if not the i well make a screen shot in photoshop. i just want to see if anyone has done it so i won`t wast me time with this.
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Please use at least some punctuation and formatting of some kind!!! 
Having a long, long line of lower-case characters is evil.
It hurts the old eyes.
AOLspreak abbrieviations are bad, too.
<End Grammar Freak Mode>
On topic, though, running Windoze inside Linux through an emulator?
Other than the coolness factor, and irony, of running a M$ OS inside Linux instead of the other way around, is there any practical use for this?
You can run windows as a guest OS within a host OS of Linux using Qemu.
Here are sone links:
But since DSL is primarily a liveCD. I don't know how practical that would be.
Also, since the .dsl could not contain © windows os. This would have to be something that you do pretty much on your own.
But as shown in the links above, some are doing this.
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