myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New and Updated: Icewm-lite with Icedock (only 300
The older icewm.dsl and icewm-blue.dsl became obsolete in DSL 0.9
they don't work anymore because they depend on
but a new one was prepared with these features:
-runs completely from ramdisk (/opt), no more need to change DSL structure
-compiled with size and speed optimizations
-updated menus from DSL 0.9
-menu item in Desktop folder to easily return to Fluxbox
-icedock to run dockapps the same way in fluxbox
-only 300k !
Download link:
have fun ! :-)
You don't have permission to access /pote/henrique/icewm-lite.tar.gz on this server.:angry:
I 'm sorry and surprised !
I have always used this ftp to make files and images avaiable but it seems to have changed
I can send it for you by email , tell me one
I prepared other interesting IceWm dsl extension: compiled with aliasing and other experimental features. It comes with a selection of Microsoft and Bitstream truetype fonts that gives a good visual to Icewm and Opera last version (without configuring nothing) . As the one with icewm-lite it also works from ramdisk only and doesn't change dsl structure
If someone hosts it I could make upload
(sorry for my broken english)
why don't u send it 2 the standard repository?

....just a note....
The existing icewm.dsl and icewm-blue.dsl will have the restored inside them very shortly,
so they will continue to function as they always have...
henrique, you can submit your new icewm in an email to me at..
extensions [at] damnsmalllinux [dot] org
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