myDSL Extensions (deprecated) ::

In squeezing firefox into the new 0.9.0 , some items were removed.
One lib,, is no longer included, as none of the stock apps require it.

Incoming reports show gaim-1.0.0.dsl and xine.dsl in need of libfreetype.
I have rebuilt these to include the missing lib .. redownload recommended.

If you have a HDinstalled DSL, you can add the two libs manually from any earlier version of DSL.
They are located in /KNOPPIX/usr/lib ..  they are titled  <-- symlink <-- the actual lib needed.

Copy these two files into your /usr/lib directory as root,
From either a root shell, or from "emelfm as super user"

If you come across the missing libfreetype error, please note the extension name
it in this thread, and I will rebuild the extension to include it promptly.


OK the following UCI s also miss

but jre1_5_0.uci works perfectly with Firefox

please update them. OpenOffice is the only pack i can write Greek in DSL with my very own greek keyboard changer.
Thanks !

Thanks, christosvas...

I will rebuild them later today...


I am an absolute newbie in Linux, and I must say that of all the several LiveCD's I have tried, DSL is the easiest for me to handle.
I got a message from Skype, admittedly not a base app, that it, too, is missing the file.
Also, am I right that, if the file is included in the ISO download, one would have to download the whole image again and re-burn it on CD ?

I'm not quite sure what your pointing to....
The skype extension will be fixed shortly,
so there is no need to redownload any .iso images.

Only the skype will need to be redownloaded after it is repaired and reposted..

Thanks for the heads-up ..


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