myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - Dec 2004

Brilliant stuff coming to DSL these days, kudos to all contributors!
However, what with the recent .dsl dependency problems, I think it's time to add more detail to the mydsl click and load applet to notify users of dependencies of these hungry apps.

2 cents

Any dependencies outside the .dsl itself that are needed are typically
noted in the .info file that shows more details about the program or app.
It also shows who contributed the extension,
and gives credit to the author of the code.

If you find an extension that has needs ( other extensions loaded ) ,
and is NOT listed in the .info file, throw a note my way - PM or email,
and I'll deal with it promptly.
( with almost 250 extensions, and dozens of new ones every month,
there is no doubt I may have missed a few..)

The .info file can be found in the myDSL click-n-load app by
clicking on the FILENAME you are interested in.

More detail about each of the extensions can be found in the repository,
such as filesizes, and md5sums.


hi there ! i'm very glad about the XFree - mplayer thing. But i can't get it running. i have an epia mII6000 board and when i have installed the package, edited the 2 files, tried to start the server again i get the grey-mouse-x-screen and it stays frozen. Did I forget any commands or is the board to blame ? Any suggestions ? thx ia
haaaaaaaaaaa ! i've got it running ! i don't know how i did it, but it works.very cool.

now i would like to configure mplayer with the driver for my video accelerator. Could you give me a hint, with which options you configured mplayer ?

original here.