myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - Dec 2004
I have my own packages to add to the Holiday Cheer. I have updated Skype and AMSN to the latest versions. Who gets them so they go in the Repository? (
Its been some time)
email them as attachments to:
extensions [at] damnsmalllinux [dot] org
include your updated .info file and fresh md5.txt with your extension.
getting XF86 and nvidia was simple once I did them in the correct order...took only a few minutes to get it going. I wonder if it will be problematic to load the extensions at boot time, since I had to get XF86 running vesa first, and then install nvidia. Does the nvidia extension overwrite some files found in XF86?
I've been wanting to make an extension for Wings3D. Unfortunately it uses erlang, which itself is 4x the size of Wings, bringing the size of an extension to something like 10mb...not counting whatever other libs are required.
By the way, has anyone tried mplayer with the nvidia driver yet? It only just occurred to me, but it might just go fullscreen now....I gotta check it....
xfree86 and nvidia.dsl work brilliantly for me, (mx 420)
however when i try and load tux racer it boots me out of x with a fatal error. Has anyone else had this problem?
ok it loads now, but with 0.25 fps.
is it unrealistic to expect a game like this to run well on older hardware?
P2 350 Mhz, 192 mb ram, nividia mx 420.
The NVidia does use it's own version of GL, so yes, there are some files and symlinks that are replaced.
For autobooting the extensions, I renamed my nvidia.dsl to
znvidia.dsl, making it load last before backup.tar.gz
I keep my XF86Config-4 file in my backup, and it is already
edited for use with NVidia. A proper .xserverrc is in my backup as well.
This boots into the accelerated mode automatically for me.
check your symlinks for proper pointing to the files.
I get 130+ FPS in Quake3 , and similar speed in both
Unreal Tournament 2003 and TuxRacer.
P3 - 1077MHz - mx400 NVidia card
The .25 fps sounds like your running with only the XFree86
version of GL.
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