myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: QtParted not ready for prime time

QtParted looks nice, and I will likely use it, but it might be overwriting a links lib.
After installing Qt links works, but links -g crashes.

Thanks for adding it.  I find myself playing wiith partitions a lot, and the resize option should prove very useful.

Thanks for the heads-up, greybeard.
( that's why we call it "mydsl_testing" )

I have removed the offending libpng lib.
Please retry and confirm..


Wow, how did you fix that so quick?

I'm not planning on modifying my partitions at the moment,
but links -g and qtparted seem to co-exist quite nicely now.


...and thanks for your quick reply and confirm..


*considers using qtparted for next time he needs to partition stuff*
*decides to stay with cfdisk until qt is classified stable in the repository*

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