myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: hack MyDSL GUI to show download progress

After getting increasingly frustrated with stalled downloads from ibilio I hacked /usr/bin/ so that it would show the download progress.

I replaced the grab subroutine with the following...

sub grab {
`cd $to_store; sudo xterm -e sudo wget --timeout=3`;
   `mydsl-load $to_store$grab_this`;

Works great. It uses http rather than ftp and retries after 3secs if it stalls, and it shows the progress in an xterm.

Just thought I'd share :-)

BTW love DSL. My friend gave me an old lappy that was 'unuseable'. Im not showing him it running DSL or he'll want it back! :)



mmmmmmmmm, maybe it should be included in the cd :)

original here.