myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: hack MyDSL GUI to show download progress
After getting increasingly frustrated with stalled downloads from ibilio I hacked /usr/bin/ so that it would show the download progress.
I replaced the grab subroutine with the following...
sub grab {
`cd $to_store; sudo xterm -e sudo wget --timeout=3`;
`mydsl-load $to_store$grab_this`;
Works great. It uses http rather than ftp and retries after 3secs if it stalls, and it shows the progress in an xterm.
Just thought I'd share :-)
BTW love DSL. My friend gave me an old lappy that was 'unuseable'. Im not showing him it running DSL or he'll want it back! 
mmmmmmmmm, maybe it should be included in the cd 
original here.