myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: K3b anyone ?

I think I have enough screenshots posted here and elsewhere for folks to know
that I dont run DSL with a M$ theme..

But my sons friends are another matter..
Seeing the familiar "bliss" background and the icons on the desktop
just gives a feeling of familiarity to the desktop.
...  until you get up close and personal ...

So, the layout, while unappealing for most of us here,
does wonders for getting new folks to "grab the wheel" and
use the DSL desktop ..

Perhaps I should use a big "e" for the browser, a winamp icon for the xmms,
and the outlook icon for sylpheed .. The aterm icon is close enough ..
Rename scite to "notepad" ? Enable "hide" for the toobar and slit ?

OK , I'll stop now....  :)


LOL, that would make a mini lindows. oooooooops, sorry i meant linspire, no, fooled you i meant lindows.
Hot damn K3B, now with that DamnSmall is complete.
ke4nt1 is my HERO!!!


ok,so where do i find the dsl and app, thx
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