myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Audacity Replacement
This thing does what audacity does and some more, and since we already have audacity.dsl, why not another.
I don't pretend to be a diligent .dsl creator, but I thought this would be interesting.
Those screenshots sure look good.....
From the one image at Freshmeat, that looks sweet. Looks like it has a built-in drum machine! Too bad the bandwidth sucks on the site...I can't get any info beyond the screenshot. Know of any mirrors?
not avaliable from debian 
this makes dsl-creating hard 
That's why I love source need to wait for someone to make a package. Of course, you need a distro fully-stocked with development tools in order to do anything with the source, but for the most part I've had better luck creating extensions this way.
That said, I've forgotten to even test this application on my workstation, much less attempt an extension.
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