myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: MyDSLgui

I've placed several mydsl applications in the CD, some in /optional and some in the root of the cd. If I use the MyDSLGUI to load one of the apps in /optional, such as Firefox, or Gimp, then I cannot open my cdrom drawer to play a music cd, for instance. I boot with the "toram" option, and this should allow me to remove the DSL cdrom, and put a music cd in the drive and play it. I can open the drawer before I start the MyDSLGUI, but not after I do that.
I tried to umount cdrom, but it says the drive is busy.
I looked in TOP, to see if perhaps there was a process I could kill, so as to release the cdrom drive, but there was not one.
I note that even after I "load" the applications from the /optional directory on the cd, that when I actually start the app via the Menu, or
Desktop Icon, then the cdrom drive spins a bit. Apparently it is needed
from then on, even if you start the application, and then try and get the cdrom drive unmounted.
I looked at the script, and cannot determine what may be done to unload, if that is the word, the script, so the cdrom drive can be used.
I'll have to move the applications over to a USB pen drive, or to a hard drive partition, and keep none of them in the root of the cd, or in /optional in the cd. That then would keep the cd drive free, and I can play music cd's or whatever other use I may have for the drive, IF I boot with
"toram". Failing to do that, and the drive is locked for the duration of the session, whether or not one has
mastered in .dsl applications into the cd.
Any suggestions?

Are you using any *.uci or *.ci extensions?

These extensions require direct access to the storage device because the files are not stored in the RAMdisk.

try typing:


on a blank line and see what your currently mounted filesystems are listed.

I am using the opera.uci and the firefox.uci.
When I do "df" in an rxvt, I discovered that they are now part of the filesystem,
and so I decided to write a little script, accessed via the menu, to unload them if
I want to play music cd's for a while.
Code Sample
# closeuci, version 0.1
# For Rapidweather Remaster of DSL Linux.
# file location, /home/dsl/.fluxbox/closeuci
# unmount opera.uci and firefox.uci
# If you have more .uci's, modify this script.
# these .uci's are in /optional in the cdrom
# you mastered them in the DSL cd
# made part of the filesystem via mydslgui
# This script is accessed via menu item:
# Menu - > Apps - > Tools - > Unlock CD Drawer.
# unmount any of these, mounted or not.
sudo umount /mnt/cdrom/optional/firefox.uci
sudo umount /mnt/cdrom/optional/opera.uci
# now that all uci's are unmounted, print this:
echo " All uci's have been unmounted from the filesystem."
# Now unmount the cdrom drive, so we can open the drawer.
sudo umount /mnt/auto/cdrom
# now that the cdrom drive is unmounted, print this:
echo "The cdrom drive is unmounted, the drawer can be opened"
# None of this could be seen in the GUI, so let Dillo tell it.
# You need to make this little html page for Dillo to use:
dillo -f /home/dsl/html/cdrom_open.html &>/dev/null &
# end closeuci
exit 0

Here is the menu item:
Code Sample
[submenu] (Tools) {}
        [exec] (myDSL Click and Load){}
[exec] (Unlock CD Drawer) {/home/dsl/closeuci}
        [exec] (Net MAN) { rxvt -rv -T "Internet MAN" -e /usr/local/bin/getman}

Notice that I put it next to the MyDSL Click and Load.
Also, one could simply run this in an rxvt, and not have the fancy Dillo
message, with this html:
Code Sample
<html><head><title>cdrom drive now open</title>
<body bgcolor="#c0c0c0">
<hr width="440" size="4" align="center"><br>
<font color="#000000">
<table border="2" bgcolor="#dcdcdc" width="95%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
<tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#eeeeee"><p>
<font color="BLACK"><h3>
You may now open the CDROM<font color="BLACK"> drive drawer and remove the CD.</p>
<p>The CDROM drive may now be used to play music cd's, for instance. </p>
<p>Earlier in this session, you loaded either Firefox or Opera<br> using the MyDSL Click and Load GUI, <br>
and the CDROM drive drawer was locked. </font></h3></p>
<p><B><font color="BLACK">If you wish to use either Firefox or Opera again, you will need <br>
to replace the DSL cdrom in the drawer, and run the MyDSL Click and Load GUI.  </font></B></p>
<h3>For more information, look at the<A HREF="getting_started.html"> Getting Started Guide.</a></h3><br><br>
<p>The /home/dsl/closeuci script has been made for Rapidweather Remaster Version 0.2.8, and is used to unlock the
CDROM drive drawer if MyDSL .uci applications are mastered into the CD, and are loaded into the system using
the MyDSL Click and Load GUI.
The cdrom drive drawer is locked by the MyDSL Click and Load GUI when these apps are loaded.
The closeuci script unloads the Firefox and Opera uci's and unlocks the cdrom drive drawer.
<hr width="440" size="4" align="center">

All this has a limited usefulness in that only a few master in the MyDSL applications, and only the .uci's are affected. I have a bunch of Dock Apps in
the root of the CD, and in /optional I have Gimp 1.2 and Abiword, both .dsl's
and Opera and Firefox, the offending .uci's.
The location of the closeuci is given in the script, and I "chmod +x closeuci" and
also chgrp to staff and chown to dsl, then copy it over to my /etc/skel for inclusion in the next build. Same thing with the menu item, and the html.
The DSL development team is invited to rewrite this script to a nicer form,
and use it if you want or need it. It's possible to include this in the
script, to completely unload the .uci applications, to allow the cdrom drive, hard drive partition, or pen drive to be unmounted. Everyone would have to think about why this might need to be done. I do know that a "toram" boot option is
necessary to be able to get a music cd in the drive, without it, one cannot.
With the addition of the very useful and fast .uci's into the cd, we have another way where the cd drive can get locked.

One must close Firefox and/or Opera, or the script will fail to do what it is supposed to.
This gives you a failsafe, in case you run this script and are
using one of the applications, it will not crash or disappear on you. I need to
think about that, perhaps I will just run the script from the menu using an
rxvt, and leave out the dillo part. If the script fails, then the dillo part runs
anyway, giving a false message. Rough way to do it would be to use "killall's" to
drop Firefox or Opera if they are open. Opera will complain next time, but Firefox

The ability to "unload" umount the uci is already part of DSL.

You can use elemfm to navigate to the uci and then double-click and the uci is mounted. Later if you double-click again it is "unloaded" umounted. You can also use the mydsl button in elemfm with the same results. You can also use the cli mydsl-load with the same results.

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