myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: gimp2.dsl does not start
Hi, I installed the .dsl using emelfm. The icon appears but gimp does not start after clicking the icon.
What's the matter?
Do I have to install other .dsl files like gnutils.dsl or gtk2.dsl?
Does the menu option run it OK?
( perhaps only the icon is challenged..)
open a shell, and type..
"start_gimp2.0" and see what happens in the shell
( any error messages.. )
Does the gimp2.0.dsl.md5.txt match your md5summed gimp2.0.dsl file ?
Do you have any other desktop icons giving you troubles ?
( xpaint , vnc, etc... )
The menu entry does not work.too.
I ll try the shell command.
It's rc 0.8.0 without any gnu utils or gtk-utils or things like that.
The other icons work very well.
How can I do a checksum?
I think I have to download the small txt file but what then?
Open a shell
Go into the directory that contains your downloaded gimp2.0.dsl.
Type " md5sum gimp2.0.dsl "
you will get a long string of letters/numbers
Match this string to the similar string in the downloaded .md5.txt file.
( I use scite to open the text file and look inside )
They should match exactly..
There are many ways to do this...
This explanation helps demonstrate what is being compared..
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