myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: gcc1.dsl acting wierd

I've noticed that in the gcc1.dsl the old "legacy" libraries, like iostream.h, work fine, but the current libraries like string, ios, and iostream do not work properly.

Don't know if this is a bug in just the .dsl or in that version of gcc, because I don't have a non-DSL computer handy, but I'll test later.

ke4nt1 has noticed some oddities as well.

Just thought you guys would want to know.


I found this link to a page that shows how to use c++ in gcc.  I think you also need to type g++ not gcc for c++ programs.  Here's a sample from that site:

Code Sample
// query.cpp
// compile: g++ -Wall -o query query.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
 std::string firstName;
 std::string lastName;
 unsigned int age;

 // Ask the user to input their personal information
 std::cout << "\nHello ... please type (and hit <return>) your first name: ";
 std::cin >> firstName;

 std::cout << "Please type (and hit <return>) your last name: ";
 std::cin >> lastName;

 std::cout << "Please type (and hit <return>) your age: ";
 std::cin >> age;

 std::cout << "\nHello " << firstName << " " << lastName << " (age = " << age << ")!\n\n";

 return 0;

original here.