myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: MyDSL extions and DSL 0.8.3
Hi all,
I notice all the MyDSL extensions are broken up in sub-directories by category. If I want to put them on a CD should all those sub-directories go in a directory named 'optional' as in days of yore, or as is?
The /optional..
Nothing has changed except for a little structure and organization
in the way we are managing the large numbers of extensions in the repository ..
Hi guys,
This was just what I was looking to find out, before I finished burning my latest DSL CD, where I'm trying to make it a bit fancier than my previous ones. If my technique works I'll post it in the HOWTO section of the forum.
Well, I can't test my disk on my main computer, something prevents it from running after I choose boot options, and in failsafe, X won't run.
OK, I got my CD running on my Compaq Armada 1571 laptop. It seems not to have audio support at first glance, but I'll play around with it a bit. I click the MyDSL icon, and it lists no available remote extension directories. Edit - I just realized you have to mount the CD disk before it can see the files in the Optional mydsl addon directory. That makes sense, however it isn't really great for a newbie, I'd highly recommend adding a Mount CD, or other media Button in the MyDSL GUI.
Here's how I made my CD with Nero 6.
I downloaded .83, and burned the ISO as a session, and left the CD open.
I then created an /optional directory on the CD, and copied various *.dsl files into it. Then I burned the other session with the dsl files on it.
I tried booting my desktop AMD XP 1800+, Daewoo 17" LCD, ATI AIW 8500DV, with DVD+- RW, 512MB, and several IDE hard drives, and it hung up, after showing the Penguin, even if I chose fb1024x768 mode at boot options. Failsafe would not load X, and startx gave the same error as the first time it tried to load.
Any idea why it's not working on my desktop PC?
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