myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: php and sqlite
all is in the subtitle :
does the php.tar.gz found in the repository provide sqlite support ?
i know that such a support isn't embeded by default in php 4.x but that it can be added via a php extension...
as DSL comes with sqlite packages i think that it should be very useful to add this, if it's not allready done... or perhaps upgrade the php.tar.gz to version 5.x
oh, i almost forgot : thanks a lot for the php package Robert...
Short answer no. When I first found sqlite, there was no support for sqlite in php. I don't think php was even aware of sqlite. And friend of mine and I together wrote our own sqlite library to work with php and sqlite. I am sure that our library is probably not as robust as what the php team is offering today. But we used own home grown library and it made it into several products that we later made for a company. I have been so busy with new features and planning for future versions of DSL, I have not been able to get back to update some of my early extensions. But, also, I wanted the original extensions that I started to be examples of what can be done, hoping that the user community would take over. I did not want to monolopize the creation of extensions. Of course, I am really pleased with the user community's contributions. A rebuild with sqlite support would be a good idea, especially since there are now many nice sqlite database admin tools written in php.
After googling to see what was required to include sqlite support into php4, i can see some problems coming.
first, it seem that the php4-sqlite extension depends upon newer packages versions than the ones included in dsl.
then, it seems to require some sort of compilation, and i don't own a proper development environnement... or can the ramdisk be used in such a way ?
i'm now thinking about a php5 dsl extension as it comes with sqlite support allready embedded...
any idea about how i could do it ? as i'm fairly new to the linux world, and to the dsl one of course 
So do you interact with sqlite the same as you would mysql? I've been learning php and mysql, and thus wanted to have a live mysql extension, but apparently this is a no-go?
With sqlite, do you need to re-learn how to interact with the database etc., or is it all very similar, just somehow more "lightweight"?
Pardon my ignorance of what it's capabilities, or lack thereof, are.
well, it's very similar in use... with some differences :
- sqlite can be implemented in a procedural or object-oriented way (for mysql it's only procedural)
- locking the db when writing into it
- use of triggers
you should see by yourself on Zend website
i'll be glad if someone could help me in the task of making a php5 dsl extension as i don't know where to start from...
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