myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Aghhh! Keeping shell window open after menu launch
Thanks Clacker - I'll try these & read up on your PS1 line to work out how that works. I'll give sleep (as in the command) a go also.
As for my above, I worked out that a while loop is not needed at all (all it did was stop exit from working). Burble only needs two lines:
/usr/bin/wipe -h
I had an epiphany while I should have been sleeping: it works because is the child process of parent rxvt & burble can't finish while the bash prompt it calls is waiting. While burble can't close neither can rxvt. So the window stays open.
As you may have gathered I'm new to bash scripting (this is my first). DSL might turn me into a coder yet.
Still puzzled as to why 'wait" wouldn't work. Oh well I suppose as I learn more scripting it will become clear.
original here.