myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing 10/2004
BTW, thanks for your descriptions of the apps earlier.
I find these kinds of applications very facinating. It's too bad I never had the opportunity to catch the "bug" when I was younger.
Has anyone used xplanets to make those pretty pictures? The screen shots you posted looked very nice, but I was unable to get them to run because the maps were missing, except Earth. For an 8 Meg download of basically a background program, I really thought you could have left the JPG files for the planets in the package. Can you tell me where to find them?
also loading the xplanet.dsl causes firefox to fail to open. There is an "Error reading Pango modules file" error. Load firefox, it works. Load xplanets, but don't run it, and firefox gives the error. using 8.3 version of damn small.
If you were to apt-get the xplanet app under the usual means,
then a "setup" would occur after the app in installed to your
filesystem.. This 'setup' updates pango/defoma/and gtk ..
Since I can't execute a script during the LOADING of a .dsl ,
The only way I can mimic this action is to place the setup
scripts in the startup file, which occur when you run the app.
The only solution is to RUN the app if you choose to LOAD it.
Once you run either one, then the pango should update,
and make both available to run..
Also, the has been superseded by the 1.0PR
It also contains the gtk2 setup script with it's start file.
It should perform better for you.
The 0.9.3 and are to be discontinued shortly..
If you still find issues, give me a heads-up, and I'll dig further.
I placed the website for xplanet in the .info file.
You should find much love there.. Nice pics..
Lots of downloads there for you to choose from..
I built the xplanets from the apt-get sources.
Unfortunately, they did not include the extras..
I did not choose to leave them out..
Feel free so submit an addon as a .dsl file .
Send it to extensions[at]damnsmalllinux[dot]org
For my purposes of using it with the Predict Server,
the earth pic is all I need..
It's a fat hungry app just for background usage..
Updated - 10/28/2004 - ke4nt
gFTP-gtk2-2.0.17.dsl in the "gtk2" section
torsmo.tar.gz in the "system" section
gkrellm-gtk2-2.2.2.dsl in the "gtk2" section

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