myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: .dsl file editing utilities

I didn't.  I think what is needed is to search for existing files (-e), links (-s), and probably other things as well.  Then you would need to sort them and remove duplicates.  It's at the very edge of my bash skills, and I didn't spend any more time on it lately.  It looks like a good idea, but I can't take it to compleation.

Echoing what SaidinUnleased said, I wish there was a neat flua program that could unpack, look for duplicates, make menu items, make .xtdesktop entries (starting xpaint with a icon template), and repackage dsl files.  Can we take your emelfm ideas and transfer them?

Quote (clacker @ Feb. 11 2005,17:41)
Echoing what SaidinUnleased said, I wish there was a neat flua program that could unpack, look for duplicates, make menu items, make .xtdesktop entries (starting xpaint with a icon template), and repackage dsl files.  Can we take your emelfm ideas and transfer them?

I never thought of that. It would be a great little program to use for us hopelessly addicted .dsl types. I would love to do some more gtk2 type apps but picking through them is tedious and I hate sending ke4nt a jumbled mess. I'm sure he would find something like this handy also. Knowing him, though, he probably has a handy little utility of his own under tight security!  :)


Quote (clivesay @ Oct. 03 2004,20:17)
I like to spend my time finding ways to automate redundant tasks.  :)

If you like to edit and repackage .dsl/.tar.gz files like I do, you probably have Ke4nt's howto doc printed out and laying in a high visibility area of your desk.

Please tell me where this dsl howto written by Ke4nt is?

I am trying a dsl which needs to have a userid and password added to it during apt-get. Therefore the deb2dsl script will not work.

How can I save the running program with the added userid, database name etc as a dsl and not make one from the basic debs as deb2dsl does?

I will also try to unpack and repack after changes are made. What are the changes we are allowed to make  using the methods you suggest.


Softgun -

You would have to do a forum search to find it. There has been so much posted about extensions I don't even know what the best keywords would be to find it without retrieving a bunch of threads. It may be in the Documentation. I haven't looked. I will share my personal cheatsheet with you(and the world).


Create a work directory such as /home/knoppix/WORK/

Untar the file: tar –zxvf <filename>.tar.gz


Make your changes and tar the file:

tar cvfz <filename>.tar.gz *


Eliminate unnecessary directories from the tar.gz

Output tar.gz contents:  tar –ztf <filename>.tar.gz > <output filename>.txt

Edit the text file by removing directories that already exist in the filesystem such as /usr/bin


Repackage tar.gz file:  

tar –T <output filename>.txt –no-recursion –numeric-owner –cvf- | gzip > <filename>.tar.gz


Identifying changes in the file structure

Before changing the filesystem

find / -print > b4.txt

After the change

find / -print > aft.txt

To view the changes

diff b4.txt aft.txt > change.txt

You have two options from what I know.

1. Package the debs up and create a script to unpack and install them when you run the .dsl and enter the information your program requires. You can see the alsadebs.dsl and aliendebs.dsl packages as an example.

2. Take a snapshot of your filesystem before you install the package, install the package, and then take a snapshot afterwards and output the difference between the two. Then you would package up the debs with deb2dsl and then you would have to go into the filesystem and pick out each changed file in the filesystem and add or replace existing files in your .dsl. Taking a snapshot of your system can be done with the last entries of my cheatsheet. This option is not for the faint of heart unless you are just looking for a challenge.

You can search the forum for a lot of great info but the info above should get you started.

Good Luck

I can't believe I am describing this stuff!! Just a year ago I was a clueless idiot, now I have graduated to just idiot!  :p


Thanks Chris,

I am not sure i got it :-(

I hope to graduate to idiot stage by the end of this year. Wish me luck!!

I may come back with problems in a day or too when I try out your snapshot stuff.

Click! Click!


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