myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: .dsl file editing utilities

I like to spend my time finding ways to automate redundant tasks.  :)

If you like to edit and repackage .dsl/.tar.gz files like I do, you probably have Ke4nt's howto doc printed out and laying in a high visibility area of your desk.

I love using emelfm and created a few shortcut buttons to speed up this task. I thought I would share with everyone. You can add these as buttons or, as I did, add them to the User Commands section of the emelfm menu.

Name: Unpack .dsl
Command: tar -zxvf %f

Name: View .dsl Contents
Command: tar -ztf %f > dirlist.txt

Name: Repack .dsl
Command: tar -T dirlist.txt --no-recursion --numeric-owner -cvf- | gzip > %{}

Thanks to clacker for educating me on how to create the last command. It will prompt you to enter the name of your new tar.gz/.dsl.

Have fun!


Nice...  :)

Thanks and 73 ..

naaaaaah, i still prefer deb2dsl.

but good job though

ico2 -

You can use these commands to repackage your .dsl after you personalize it with an icon or whatever.  :;):


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