myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: how to remove .dsl's?
how to remove them from the menu and hd etc.
if you run a livecd: reboot
if you run frugal or poorman's install: delete them and reboot.
if you run a hd-install: you cant! reinstall hd! can, but not simply.
You could extract the dsl archive into a temp directory to see what files were installed, and then manually delete those files from your system.
There is a chance that some of the original system files are overwritten when an extension is installed, so be very careful while deleting files.
So I'm running a hd-install version but with 32meg ram max
and legacy cpu's (486-P2 max)
uci uses the least memory correct ??
I installed firefox uci and it takes forrrrrreeeeevvvvveeeerrrr to do anything
even the least little this because I only have 32meg of ram
or because I used the uci instead of installing a dsl or tar version instead
tnx all
this is great....
With 32 megs I would choose Opera.
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