myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Firefox- and j2re1.4.2_05.uci

i found out what went wrong.
i started firefox by running /opt/firefox-0.9.3/firefox
but i should be using /usr/bin/ which does the ldconfig
i think i will put ldconfig in my just to make sure.

The "sudo ldconfig" line is for the other packages that the
are included with the firefox-0.9.3.dsl - gtk2, pango, etc..

I would not necessarily run "ldconfig" unless you are
upgrading or adding a new package..

and the firefox- is the SAME as the firefox-0.9.3.dsl ..
only the symlink has changed to work with the new java..

I, like you , use the 0.8 as a rule, and find it plenty adequate.


original here.