myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: busybox and gnu-utils.dsl
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The dsl extensions are basically tarballs with a fluxbox menu entry.
So you may be able to force an install with:
sudo su
tar -zxvf filename.dsl -C /
Del, how were you trying to install? If using the myDSL desktop icon, please look in /tmp/ directory. I suspect that you did not get a successful download. Probably /tmp/gnu-utils.dsl is a zero byte file. So nothing was installed.
It really should be as easy as Aiku had posted. Seems that the myDSL icon is not playing nice if not closed by using its exit button. You need to scroll way down to the bottom to click it.
Best bet is to use wget. I use the webpage and then Copy Link Location then from a shell type wget then paste in the URL from the Copy, followed my using mydsl-load extension-name, or using emelfm mydsl button.
My first try consisted of downloading the .dsl files and manually unpacking them. Then a re-installed (due to borked FS) and another attempt using MyDSL.
Will try again tonight.
Okay, tried again. Once through MyDSL and once manually (tar -zxvf). Since I (finally) ran tar verbosely I was able to see what it does indeed install, and what it doesn't. The numbers I posted before are still the same, and indeed those programs (eg cal, ftpget, ftpput, ls and others) don't seem to install with gnu-utils.dsl.
Still playing though 
Don't know where or when you got your gnu-utils.dsl, but there was a broken one. That broken one did not have the busybox replacements, I think that gnu-utils.dsl was a victim of beaver editing. Some mirrors may not have updated. Ke4nt may want to chime in here.
Anyway, sorry that you are having such trouble. You can easily check the gnu-utils.dsl by just looking with tar -ztf gnu-utils.dsl | grep bin If all you have is X stuff, it is the broken one. It really should be easy.
I got the gnu-utils.dsl a couple times, from a couple places (first was ibiblio archive). I went and got another one tonight and opened it just to make sure it was correct, and it seemed to be, so I installed it. Still ends up with just a handful of busybox remaining (the same amounts I posted earlier). It installs quite a bit of stuff, more than just X stuff.
I think I've worked around it though, and now I'm having other issues
Don't worry, this isn't DSL's fault, it's mine, caused by a distinct lack of playing around for several months... I'll get back into the swing of things. When I do, and I get this current project done, I may try whipping up a .dsl that finishes off the destruction of busybox.
Thanks all for your help and input.
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