myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Adding myDSL files to the iso

What mean the boot-0.8.0.img in

That boot floppy is to support older hardware. If you use that boot floppy to boot DSL, then you will need that floppy to boot the custom mydsl cd.

Thanks, roberts.

I boot perfectly with the "dsl0.8 base cd", but when I boot with mydsl (itīs generated with mkmydsl) then the cd detect the partitions but not the Knoppix file and the boot is stoped after trying USB ports.

Then I ask... Its possible that the ERROR  because the partition where "mydsl cd" had been compilate is fat32 (not ext2)???

Thanks for the info guys! That was fast =]
Quote (baladret @ Sep. 08 2004,02:58)
Thanks, roberts.

I boot perfectly with the "dsl0.8 base cd", but when I boot with mydsl (itīs generated with mkmydsl) then the cd detect the partitions but not the Knoppix file and the boot is stoped after trying USB ports.

Then I ask... Its possible that the ERROR  because the partition where "mydsl cd" had been compilate is fat32 (not ext2)???

I don't think that should matter, since the ISO is built with iso9660 file system, and not an OS-specific file system.
i have to report the same problem as baladret.
i tried a remaster with the mkmydsl script putting both master and iso dir on my windows me partition.
while copying files to the master dir the script reported numerous errors about being unable to maintain ownership :( .
but it kept going on and i went to boot option choosing. i answered dsl lang=fr.
then it was time to add extension files wich i did. i also modified isolinux.cfg to use my own .kbd file instead of german.kbd (thinking about it, maybe i've found the answer, as i didn't took care  to suppress exceeding # at the end of the file to keep its size constant )
the script then generated the iso, which i burned.
trying to boot from the newly burnt cd, everything went fine until cheatcode (were i found that my changes in isolinux.cfg had taken effect :) , as my azerty keyboard was allready recognised)
then it seemed to search for the knoppix file everywhere but on the cd, and fail to find it. :(
this is where i'm stuck

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