myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Adding myDSL files to the iso

Normally, I boot up like this:
boot: dsl restore=hdb1 toram
So, I suppose I am using the user "dsl".
I'm going to do more tests on this tonight, I did get the two .dsl extensions detected and shown in yellow when I booted up. I just can't find where they are in the filesystem, other than in the original location on the backup devices, either hdb1 or sda1. I am not sure if I have them in the
root of the CD, however. When I mount /cdrom, and then "cd" to it, and "ls", all I get is the KNOPPIX folder, and then when I "cd" to that and "ls", I get "KNOPPIX"  (itself). I'm going to reboot into Windows 98, and look at this CD in Windows Explorer. I'm thinking the extensions will appear alongside of "index.html", and are not inside of the /KNOPPIX folder. That might be the wrong place to put them, but I
do note that the Damn Small system detects them upon bootup and names them. I'll get back in here with more, tonight.
(Lets hope the toram bootup isn't causing any problems)


I suspect that you are confusing several things. Many changes since your experience with or 0.6.x.

First your backup probably is overwriting the deskop icons and menu items that were made during bootup. The backup is the last to be loaded.

If you to use "toram" option then only those extensions in the root directory will be loaded.  Those in the optional directory will not.

Why, because the toram option means that the cdrom is now unmounted so that it can be removed, so you can play music cds or whatever.

So, if you so desire to load an extension that you have placed in the optional directory, you must simply follow the SOP,. i.e., mount the cdrom, it will be then be mounted in the usual /mnt./cdrom.

Therefore you have your choice of using the cli such as mydsl-load /mnt/cdrom/

Or using elemfm to  navigate to /mnt/cdrom, select the extension and click the mydsl button.

Make senese when you think about it.

I wonder if I should make an /optional directory in a remaster, and place any
.dsl files there.
My filetool.lst is this:
So, my backup.tar.gz can overwrite .xtdesktop. Since I placed Firefox 0.8 (needed for 586) and Opera 6.03 (personal favorite) in the remaster, I did make desktop icons for them, and have used the larger
Opera icon, to match the one for Firefox.
Additionally, the backup can overwrite the menu, and the MyDSL entry will vanish upon application of the backup as you have mentioned.
So I need to test that, and boot without a backup, redo my Wvdial and Sylpheed, and then make a new backup.tar.gz.
I'm going to continue to work with this, and take all of your suggestions,
(as gospel), and see if I can get it working right. There are some complications because of my remastering of the original, but they are not
the problem here, as much as my backup.tar.gz.
I would like to be able to do what some others have done, and have a big bunch of extensions ready to load on the CD, as well as my usual
remastered setup.


You cannot make an "/optional" directory inside the DSL filesystem and have it work.

The correct place for the mydsl files and the optional directory is inside the CDROM ISO image and NOT inside the compressed cloop filesystem.

In other words, if you viewed a myDSL CDROM from a MSWindows computer, it would look like this:


and your optional directory might look like this:


So creating an "/optional" directory inside your compressed linux filesystem (IE: KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX) will not work because the files are supposed to be located directly on the CDROM itself.

Hope this helps.

Sure it helps I did a trial with snake.dsl file(on cd-rw) and it works out perfectly THX man!
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