myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Icons
Most (or all) of .dsl applications puts an icon over desktop
I've made 2 or 3 .dsl with deb2dsl script but I do not know how to include an icon on .dsl package so when it's loaded can be used clicking it on the desktop.... 
search the forums i have seen clivesay answer that one 3-4 times in the last 2weeks.....
This is what you are looking for I think:
Edit .dsl files
It was an off topic explanation from a firefox question. Kent's "howto" should probably be posted on it's own since it is valuable to the .dsl builders.
It will seem complicated but just read through Kent's posts a few times and then follow step by step. As of right now, there is not an automated way to add an icon to your .dsl. You will have to dive in and get your hands dirty!
Good Luck.
original here.