myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: myDSL and myDSLgui changes to extension locations

This post had been edited to reflect more recent changes...

I have moved many of the files from the "testing" area to the main arena.  :D
No files have been removed, or rebuilt, during this move, only resorted.

All the files in the main arena have been rebuilt and checked for cross-compatibility
with DSL 0.7.2+ and pre DSL 0.7.1 versions.

See the legend in the repository for more informaton regarding cautions to your file systems.


Above post edited to reflect changes in repository sorting...

Too many of the highly sought after apps, which are known to run well, were being placed in the testng area, by trying to sort by color/risk level...

It is for "new builds" , and not designed to be a "High Risk" area..
New contribs will continue to be placed there for beta testing after initial scan by DSL staff.

As always, continue to be vigilant when testing the red level apps..
They are either writing to your base file system, or have yet received any
rebuilding by DSL staff.


original here.