myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: deb2dsl script testers needed

I have played around with the deb2dsl script a for some days now, and it works great! I have some questions though:

1. By default, DSL uses Debian stable in the apt sources-list. Will I screw things up if I change to Debian testing, then run apt-get install <some app> and deb2dsl? (I understand that the script is not made for coping with upgraded packages, but are there other issues if the install doesn't require upgrades?)

2. Is it possible to install several packages (apt-get install package1 package2) and then run the deb2dsl script to create one dsl-package? I tried this with xfig (which needs transfig), but with no immediate success.

3. If I don't want a menu entry (with some console based apps a menu entry is useless), is it enough to just not put in one when using the script, or do I have to make a revised version of the script, omitting the menu entry stuff?

These are just some of the issues I have come up with so far, there will surely be more questions by and by. (Mind you, these questions are not meant as a critique! I love this script! I just want to learn more about it...)

One more thing (which I am sure I could have found by searching the forum), how do I submit new dsl-packages?


1.  You can install stuff from Debian testing and even unstable or experimental with apt-get and DSL.  Just keep in mind that newer applications usually require newer dependent library versions than what is included in DSL.  So your 1 package download & install can quickly become a 18 package download and install if you aren't careful.

2.  Yes, deb2dsl will automatically incorporate multiple *.deb packages that were installed by apt-get install.  But the same rule applies: no pre/post install scripts.  Also, you will only be prompted once to add a new menu item even if you have several programs.

3.  I have never tried entering a blank menu item, but my guess is that it would fail because you would try to create a Fluxbox menu line with empty spaces within the definition and Fluxbox would probably choke on this.  It is easy to comment out the menu item lines in the code or if you want to only comment out one line, please place a "#" character at the beginning of this line:

echo "/tmp/"$menu_filename >> /tmp/deb2dsl_files.tmp

A cleaner approach would be to add a prompt to ask if you want to create a menu item (yes or no) and then skip the lines if your answer is no.

I believe that extension submissions go to:

Thanks a lot for your response cbagger! And again: I really love your script!!!!

Your responses here have given me some more ideas and things to try out :-)


This "may" be of help when package building....
I tried the new script (02/19/05) to build a simple ncurses
aumix extension, using dsl 1.0rc1 live.
All was well until I copied the new extension to a FAT partition, and
used Winiso and Nero to burn  live cd..... mydsl menu item would not appear
when the new extension was loaded..Every other extension worked fine.
After doing this several times, I built again, but saved to an ext 3
partition, and burnt a syslinux dsl live cd, with the new extension included
in optional folder, using Xcdroast & SuSe.
Same result, mydsl menu wouldn't update after loading new extension.
Other extensions from repository were fine.

Not until I changed owner/group on the saved extension (to SuSe user!)
would the menu "update" work on a live cd built with that extension.
I copied that extension to a FAT partition.
That worked too.
I can now use the Windows or Linux apps to make a live cd including
the new extension, and it loads and updates menu fine.
I can't explain the "ownership" thing at this stage, I would have thought
it didn't apply in the case of the FAT partition anyway, but my head is
a bit rattled after so much building.

Just thought I'd mention it...maybe someone with a clearer mind
can cause me to slap my forehead and say "Doh!".
I hope so- it's a favourite pastime lately.

original here.