myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: deb2dsl script testers needed

Topic: .dsl file editing utilities, a little automation never hurts
Thanks a lot!
Can we open and edit uci files as well? If so how?
Please give a link if you know one.

Hello Chagger 01
tryed your deb2dsl script, Works great :) tested it in 0.7.1 and 0.8.0 and 0.9.3 works in all versions. Thanks so much. Made a xdrum.dsl and a xwave.dsl for testers both work great
   have the greatest day EH!


I do apt-get install zope and it installs and runs. Now I use the deb2dsl and the dsl does not work.

if I open the dsl, copy and replace whole directories from the live working system into my dsl and then repack it, will it work?

deb2dsl will not work for packages that contain pre or post installation scripts.

You can try an alternate method of taking a snapshot of your filesystem before and after the install and then manually build a dsl extension.  Search the forums for more details.

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