myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: 3 new dsls (not in repository yet)
finally got wmpinboard.dsl to work, sending now.
done nethack.dsl (a really cool game), testing (playing some more), writing info file and sending.
ico2 I tested the wmlaptop.dsl but get the following error.
I only saw this when I ran it from a terminal.
Cannot support ACPI (the file /proc/acpi/info don't exists)
Switching to APM..
Found 1 battery's entry
Enable autoShutdown at 1% battery state
Use a shutdown delay of 1 minutes
The real poweroff will run at 1% battery state + 1 minutes
Error reading the info file (/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq):
No such file or directory
----end snip----
Looks like its looking for a directory that don't exist. That whole tree doesn't exist. I'm still a noob when it comes to figuring this out so I have not taken any steps to resolve this. Thought I'd let ppl know first.
thanks. seems wmlaptop will not run on dsl, i will do another battery dock app in the next few days
done netmaze.dsl a cool network maze kill people type game.
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