myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: 3 new dsls (not in repository yet)
finished and sent dossizola.dsl, got to write cgoban.dsl info file and then will work on seti. i am not sure how to do the menu items that way.
worked out the menu item, will do seti in a mo.
can't get that method of doing dsls to work 
Sorry, had to do that "sleep" thing...
I don't use a config with
this is the stable version of the .deb package I refer
to.It has never asked for one,but then I just use
it as a monitor.I've never looked into making a config
for it.
A wvdial.config looks like-
Modem = /dev/ttyS1
Baud = 57600
SetVolume = 0
Dial Command = ATDT
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATM0L0
FlowControl = Hardware(CRTSCTS)
[Dialer Defaults]
Phone = ISP_number_here
Username = name_ISP_gave_you
Password = password_ISP_gave_you
New PPPD = yes
Inherits = Modem0
This has to be edited with the users particular
details.I find the quickest way to get on line
with dialup is to burn my wvdial.config,wmpppapp,
and wvdial onto my DSL CD.
I copy the wvdial.conf into /etc, and dpkg -i the 2
.deb packs.
Open root terminal,run wvdial,open
x terminal, run wmppp,and I'm there.
Sorry I can't be more help with the wmppp thing.
aaahh, wmppp uses the config file for wvdial, which explains why i get a request for a file.
busy today so the dsls might have to wait but i willl try and finish today.
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