myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New and Rebuilt Extensions

There are a couple of new extensions posted up in the testing area.


Also, I have rebuilt several apps, making them install and run from /opt,
rather than being installed in the mkwritable areas of the DSL file system.
This should help low ram users run these apps more successfully.
These are now .tar.gz files, instead of .dsl files.


Please give them a go, and feedback if issues arise...

I have rebuilt these files as well,
they are now "green" and good-to-go.



I went back and added some more parameters to xmahjongg.
It wanted to play at 1024x768, which did some funny things on my 800x600 laptop.
I used the smaller tile option, an scaled it down to 640x480.
It should play on just about everything now.
If someone really wants the 1024x768 version as well, let me know,
and I'll make low-res/hi-res versions..


ke4nt1, we just need to be able to see the icons or whatever on the tiles so it can be played.  I played mahjong on my laptop with knoppix, I think, and could barely tell some of the tiles apart.
Try the options from the command line..

''xmahjongg --help"

Will show a list of items you can change.
Tiles, screen sizes, locations of support files, etc..
Play with it till you get what you like..
There are plenty of tiles included with it in it's directory.

Let me know what you find, or what works good for your
screen resolution and color, and I'll put together another
one for "hi-res"

Any other way I did it, somebody was going to find it
a problem,  ..  originally, on a laptop at 800x600, the
tiles were off the edges of the screen, and the
button choices, like hint, quit, etc were sitting on
top of the tiles as well..

DSl'ed if I do, and DSL'ed if I don't  :D


original here.