What I usually do to create the initial list is "find . > filelist.txt" and then go through it and delete all unnecessary lines.
I hate repetative typing!
I'm building a small script that will correct ownerships, tar, and md5sum. Currently it won't remove directories from a file list (and probably will never get that far), but it should save a bit of typing. I haven't tested it yet, but here's what it looks like so far:
<edit> after testing, I found some flaws...nothing major, but i figured I'd remove the faulty code just so no one gets pissed at me =o) </edit>While some repetative tasks are best served with macros or hot buttons, I always seem to want to something different after I go to the trouble of setting them up.
Sometimes I want verbose, other times not. Sometimes I want a matching filename, sometimes not. Sometimes I just want to keep both FEET on the pedals, and not "mouse" around.
I've got a few shortcuts, but once the gears are grinding, I let my fingers do the walking!