myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Request a .dsl here
mozilla firefox with svg support - or Mozilla dsl which has svg support!
I'd like irssi. It's my fav irc client. It's very easy and fast to useAnd ofcourse it's a console app.
Would really like to see a Gnobog.dsl or similar
Gnobog deb package is available via apt-get and installs & runs, works fine on Firefox bookmarks created within dsl, but I'm having trouble getting it to import dillo bookmarks and firefox bookmarks created within Windows (using dsl
I thought I read somewhere that gnobog can process dillo bookmarks.
Be very nice indeed to have a powerful bookmarks organising program and integrate and sort out all those bookmarks from dillo, firefox, and from windows.
I would really like to see the Rox Desktop made into a dsl. Having freedom with desktop icons would be a breath of fresh air. 
not really
it's been discussed many times and simply won't happen
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