myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Request a .dsl here
Hi folks,
I am using dsl as the os on a digital picture frame cobbled together from parts of an old laptop.
DSL is perfect for this kind of application!!
Except for one thing... it doesn't come with a picture viewer with automated slideshow capabilities. xzgv is nice to manually view files, but not when you want to set it and leave it. it doesn't have very good slideshow functionality.
however GQview does! and i so happens it uses the same gtk library as xzgv so i was wondering if you someone could make a dsl file out of it?
It would be the cherry on top of my picture frame sunday!
what iz with
with dsl you can built very fast a hp
i think thats kann be very usefull
Here is my request:
It would be realy GREAT if someone could make a screen .dsl! 
i've been trying to install it for a long time but there are so many commands that arent in DSL needed :s and i, as linux noobie, cant get it done :s
I've already made it (*tar.gz), but haven't submitted. The reason for this is the fact that tty1 is owned by root in a default DSL setup, and this prevents user dsl from using screen in tty1 without first changing that ownership. I had intended to find the simplest solution to this before submitting the extension, but after a few months i still haven't come up with a solution. It works without modification in an xterm, but as i said it will require tty ownership changed in order to work in console, unless you run it as root of course.
Since i haven't come up with a better solution, i'm thinking i'll just send it as is.
Can someone make a fixed, updated version of the Gaim dsl file? The version 1.0.0 one works nice, except every window is shown as untitled. The version 1.2.1 under Gtk2 loads up without the aim, yahoo, msn protocol plugins, but it does title each window correctly.
Version 1.3.1 is now out. It would be nice if someone could make a dsl extension from this, using all the protocol plugins (especially aim and yahoo).
It doesn't matter to me whether its a version that needs GTK2 installed first, or if it installs it on its own.
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