myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Request a .dsl here
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I didn't find it in the forum: has anyone created a .dsl for rsync?
I would find it very useful to have an rsync client on my DSL pen drive, especially for doing remote backups/restores with my home server over ssh. I didn't find an rsync .dsl in the repository, but it's entirely possible I overlooked it 
could i request putty?
im wanting to do ssh port forwarding, but cant for the life of me get it working via ssh
O_O you couldn't?
ssh 123.456.789.123 -p <port>
not that difficult.
and putty sucks anyway.
Editus: typage sucksores
no, sorry you misunderstood
im wanting to use ssh to port forward through an ssh connection, im not connecting to an ssh server and executing commands.
in putty i would have
putty -D 8080 -P 80 -ssh
obviously in your example you havent put anywhere to put port forward .. ive tried ssh -L .. etc none work it seems.
I'd really like to see an easy to use email server.
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