myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Request a .dsl here
Hi struppi: as far as i know adding .dsl's to the repository is a
monthly thing but i could b wrong.
if ya really want it pop onto #damnsmalllinux, i can dcc it to ya
or pop me a PM on the forums here
have a great day
wrong post......sorry
i know there allready is a version of "cinePaint" in the repository, but dsl means light-software.
Glasgow is a cinepaint version that uses no GTK but.... tadaa FLTK. i'm no professional, but i guess this could be MUCH lighter than the GTK-version.
Well, it's not out yet (I think...)
I just went on a big wild goose chase trying to find it
Same here.
It looks like it's going to be a great project.
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original here.