myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: mp3blaster extension available ...

Another commandline Tool :


Mp3blaster is an mp3 player for computers running a UNIX-like operating system, e.g. Linux, Free/Net/OpenBSD, etc. Its interface is entirely text based, thereby eliminating the need for a graphical environment like X-Windows. This does not limit the way you can control the player whilst playing though; just like any graphical mp3 player, there are cd-style buttons like play, stop, pause, next track, etc.

So, you can build e.g. an remote controlled Mp3-box (over ssh). Another nice mixertool named nmixer is included.

You can download this one here:

Have Phun ..

did you ever submit this and your aumix .dsl to extensions[at]damnsmalllinux[dot]org?
You've got some nice .dsl files, armelle...
Care to donate them to the repository ?

How are they running in the latest 0.7.x series?


I've got a new favorite mp3 player, thanks.
I never bothered to try it because mpg321 seemed adequate to my needs....but the extra features in mp3blaster are very cool.

original here.